17 janvier 2006

Trans Dada Express

2006 is the 2d edition of the paneuropean radio Art's Birthday Party, on jan. 17th.
The belgian public radio program 'La Première' offered a 30 minutes creation, made of a live mix of real-time processed cello (Jean-Paul Dessy), prerecorded musical and ambient sounds, and multilingual readings of the beginning of Pascale Tison's novel Le dernier endroit où il neige.

'Trans-border Run' is the title of this first common electro-musical experience with Jean-Paul, for which we had our playing linked to a random canvas, as a tribute to Robert Filliou, and particularily his work named 'Musique télépathique n°5' (1979), which may be seen untill february in the "Big Bang" exhibition at Centre Pompidou.
(Robert Filliou invented the Art's Birthday concept on jan. 17th, 1963)

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